PowerScan for  Amibroker®

Tutorial 2


Scope: Scan for Buy signals when the MACD indicator crosses above the Signal line on the current bar.
Step 1 - Start AmiBroker and PowerScan

Note: If you have not yet installed either of these programs click on the link to the download page and follow the installation instructions.

Step 2 - Setting scan parameters.

Enter the following scan parameters into PowerScan as per the example.

Step 3 - Setting indicator preferences.

We need to set the MACD and Signal preferences from within PowerScan to match those in this tutorial.

  i) Select: Tools-->Preferences

ii) Locate the MACD and Signal preference setting and ensure that the following values are set:

Fast : 12
Slow: 26
Signal: 9

Step 4 - Enter your scan criteria.

Enter the following criteria and click the !Run button . This will launch the Amibroker automatic analysis window (AA) and perform the scan within AmiBroker.

  Common Expression: The MACD crosses above the Signal on the current bar.
Step 5 - Viewing scan results within AmiBroker.

Note that there were a total of 62 tickers (see bottom status bar of results pane) that produced a Buy signal. To view the chart for each ticker you can double click the ticker in the results list from within the Automatic Analysis (AA) window.

Step 6 - Inserting the built-in MACD indicator.

Positioned in the graphic below are two chart panes each containing various indicators. You are more than likely already familiar with the general price chart pane (the top one of the two) so we will go on and add the built-in MACD indicator to the chart.

  i) Close the AA window if you have not already done so.

ii) Right mouse click (RMC) anywhere in the main price chart area and select the following item from the floating menu: Insert --> MACD

It should appear as below. You should be able to see where the MACD (Red line) has crossed above the Signal line (Blue line) on the far right bar (or the current bar). 

In the main Price pane you will also notice a green Buy arrow below the current bar.

Additional Information

Clicking this link will provide you with some addition information about the MACD and Signal indicators




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